Hi, I am Varun Verma

a freelance developer

What I Do

I am passionate about combining function, interaction and form
to design for fitting user experiences that make people happy.

Web & App Design

We specialise in clean, responsive, hand crafted websites with a focus on simplicity, usability & accessibility.

Web Development

Donec quam velit, aliquam at tempor quis, blandit quis nisi. Proin orci enim, dictum vel leo eu, blandit vulputate turpis.


A Brand is more than just a logo, it's about creating an identity for your business or product. We'll help you develop a value-based brand that speaks to your audience.

SEO Content

Donec quam velit, aliquam at tempor quis, blandit quis nisi. Proin orci enim, dictum vel leo eu, blandit vulputate turpis.

Featured Project

Take a look at the Colorful Music project.
It is a pixel perfect design which has been developed with passion to music!

About Me

I am Varun Verma, a twenty year old developer from NY. I have a passion for creating challenging, intuitive and beautiful products. My design process is very hands-on and visual.

Creating is not just a job for me, it's a passion.

Hire Me

I Got the Skills





Javascript / JS Libraries

Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator

My Works

I've worked with many serious brands in the Design and Code industry.
See a collection of works I am proud of!

Blog UI-Kit


Flat UI-Kit


I offer 3 kinds of Services

Cheap - Quality - Fast

But you can pick only two

Quality & Cheap won't be Fast

Cheap & Fast won't be Quality

Fast & Quality won't be Cheap

Drop Me a Line

I am available for freelance.
Can't wait for the next exciting project! Could be yours?
